A minimalist home brings calm, order, and freedom to life. There’s less physical and visual clutter to cause overwhelm. Things are easier to find, and tidying up is quick work. There are so many perks to living life simply and intentionally!
When you think of a minimalist home, you may picture all white walls and few pieces of furniture. However, you can absolutely create a tidy, minimalist home full of color, art, and beauty! There are no strict rules other than this: eliminate the excess and surround yourself with what you love. I’ve created two apartment homes I love and I want to share how YOU can too.

How to Create a Minimalist Home
1. Clear off surfaces + walls
One of the easiest ways to quickly begin creating a more minimalist home is to clear off your walls and surfaces. Does this mean you can’t have anything on any wall or surface? No! Decor is a fun expression of yourself and an opportunity to make your home feel most “you”. However, too much clutter results in overwhelm.
Think of your home as an oasis. This is your space to escape to, relax in, and enjoy. If you walk in and feel stressed or overwhelmed by stuff then let’s fix that. Are your walls covered in decor you don’t love but think you “need”? Take it down! Are your surfaces holding misc. items, an Amazon return you need to take, a stack of mail, and a trinket you got in Mexico when you were 12? It’s time to clear it off.
Clearing off surfaces can be as easy as taking a laundry hamper, walking around, and putting everything that needs to be handled inside. Then, make a commitment to yourself to go through it all right then and there. Trash old mail, put your action-items by your keys (or in your car) and see what you could donate. Hint: the trinket from vaction… it can probably go 😉 Clean surfaces and walls are a quick way to feel more peaceful and tidy.

2. Remove Duplicates
Picture this: you open your cabinet and see a toaster, an air fryer, and a toaster oven. Do you really need all three? If you’re an avid cook or chef, maybe! But chances are, you could keep one appliance to do the job of those three. The same thing applies with platters, clothes, decor, medicines, papers, etc. etc.
The quickest way to start decluttering is to make easy, fast decisions. Duplicates are a perfect place to start! And, once you start freeing up space you may just be inspired to keep going!
3. Be mindful of colors + style
Whether you love a neutral palette (like me!) or are all about the pops of color, you can still create a minimalist, simple, cozy space! Decide on the general look + colors you want for your home. Browse Pinterest, create mood boards, and dream big. Decor and furniture decisions should generally be based on the palette and style you land on.
In our home, we love neutrals. Our main pieces are gray and white, then I bring in color and texture through decor, flowers, plants, etc. My house is mostly cohesive throughout which makes decorating from place to play (military life = moving often) so much easier! And, if you’re someone who likes to change things up frequently use cheap prints, pillow covers, and other easy-to-change items. Also, thrift stores are your new best friend 😉

4. Fill your space with meaning + joy
Besides the practical items, what should you keep? When deciding what to leave or include in your home, choose items that are meaningful and spark joy. Photos are great because they remind us of happy memories. Plants are amazing as well! They bring color and life into any space. Maybe your grandma passed down a beautiful vase. Use it! When you come home from a long day, the space should feel comfortable and joyful. When you stop and look around, I want you to be reminded of the good things in life.

A few examples in our home: The photos in our living room are pictures I took on various vacations (Hawaii, New York, San Fransisco). The coasters in our living room we got on our honeymoon. The drawings on the piano are of our pets (current + past). I keep fresh flowers on my dining table, and a snake plant by the window in the living room. All of these things bring me happiness!
You can have the minimalist home you’ve always wanted
It doesn’t take a ton of money (if any!) to create the minimalist home of your dreams. Clear off your surfaces + walls (bonus: the front of the fridge, too). Declutter, starting with duplicate items. Decide the feeling, style, colors, and designs you want your home to embody. Then, fill your space with the things you love and carry meaning. If you DO want to bring in some new items, shop second hand. You can do this! I’m cheering you on, friend.
Want more minimalist content? Check out my posts on How to Begin Your Minimalism Journey and 171 Items to Get Rid of. I also have some amazing minimalist resources posted on my favorite things page.