We use our kitchens every day, multiple times a day. It’s a place where the family gathers, and it’s important to have a space that functions well. I happen to live in a apartment, and even though it’s small, organization in my kitchen is a must!
Kitchen Organization helps with:
- Saving money– when you can easily see the food you have, you waste less of it and spend less at the grocery store.
- Saving time– if everything has a home, and everything is in its home, then you don’t spend time figuring out where on earth you put that one spatula or digging around for the semi-sweet chocolate chips š
- Cooking easily– for those nights when you just don’t know what to cook, an organized fridge and pantry make it easy to evaluate your options and quickly whip up a yummy meal!
- Cleaning up easily– the worst part of cooking is cleaning up. It’s never ending! If everything has a dedicated home, unloading the dishwasher is so much faster.

Before you can organize the kitchen you need to minimize
Here’s the deal: you cannot achieve functionality and organization if your cabinets and drawers are overflowing. Do you really need more than one set of measuring cups? Six serving spoons?
Take a minute and get real honest with yourself. You know what you use, and what you don’t. Get rid of the things you don’t need. When you eliminate all of that excess, you’re left with what you love and use! How amazing would that feel?!
So you’re ready to organize the kitchen
First things first, MEASURE! Save yourself the time and get all of your dimensions before purchasing anything.
Secondly [UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT]: I don’t believe you need the fancy products to have a functional, amazing kitchen. However, the products help achieve 2 things:
- Kitchen organization products create containment. When we give ourselves intentional limits, we tend to adjust accordingly. Products help you visually recognize when you’ve reached your capacity in a space.
- Kitchen organization products encourage maintenance. Investing in nice products helps motivate you to commit to the system. Now, you’ve not only spent time but money creating a kitchen you love.
My favorite kitchen organization products
OXO Pop ContainersĀ
Great for the pantry, especially baking and dry goods
Acrylic Bins
Great for pre-wrapped snacks and bars

Spice Jars
I recently decanted my spices and I love it so much!

Egg Container
Get two if you go through a lot of eggs!

Utensil Crock
If you don’t have the drawer space, or prefer the convenience, a utensil crock is perfect for the counter top.

Plastic Grocery Bag Dispenser
Once it’s full, recycle any others! Better yet, use reusable bags as much as possible.

There you have it- my must-have kitchen organization products, regardless of what size kitchen you have!
If you’re interested in how I use some of these products, check out my Tiny Pantry Organization blog!
Comment below and let me know, is your kitchen organized? If so, do you use any of these products?
Disclaimer: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources IĀ trulyĀ love and use.Ā
[…] you don’t know where to start, here are 6 must-have products for simple kitchen organization. A few of my other favorites […]