Shelf cooking is my JAM! My refrigerator staples + freezer staples make it even easier. Shelf Cooking is essentially cooking meals based on what you have on hand, rather than buying ingredients specifically for certain recipes. By cooking with what you have, you save money and (often times) come up with some yummy creations! Don’t let it intimidate you either. I’m the furthest thing from a chef and I actually really dislike cooking… but shelf cooking makes life so much easier! Buying/keeping the same staples is a huge part of it, too.

Why buy the same refrigerator staples?
There are a few reasons I do this. First, Kemper and I (and our dog, Scarlett) spend 250 dollars per month on groceries. These staples are another way we save money! Cheap groceries like produce, dairy, eggs, etc. save us money while ensuring we have yummy meals.
Another reason is organization and space. We live in an apartment and sadly do not have a place for an additional freezer or refrigerator. Keeping the same things makes it easier to store, and to see when we’re running low.
Lastly, I buy the same refrigerator staples because I know what I’m doing with them. Do I really want to learn how to cook something new every week? Nope. The staples we buy I know how to cook and use in various recipes. When I feel confident in my abilities, I’m more likely to cook.

My Refrigerator Staples
Produce: Apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, zucchini, *sometimes carrots, squash, or cauliflower
Keep in mind these are the staples. Sometimes we change it up, but these we almost always have on hand. Neither Kemper or I eat a ton of fruit on it’s own. I prefer fruit in smoothies, so you’ll see some frozen fruit in the freezer section. As for veggies, we always keep broccoli and zucchini on hand. Sometimes we have carrots, squash, or cauliflower. All are versatile and easy to cook with – whether it be in a soup, as a side, roasted, steamed, or stir fried.
Dairy/Eggs: Butter, almond milk, heavy whipping cream, parmesan cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, shredded mozzarella cheese, yogurt, eggs
After being vegan for over three years, I find that it’s pretty easy to cook without dairy or eggs. However, neither Kemper nor I are vegan now so we like to keep some things on hand. Butter is an obvious must. Heavy whipping cream is great for soups and pasta sauces. We don’t really use sliced cheese for anything, so shredded does the job. And the yogurt and eggs are for Kemper’s breakfasts, or if I make brownies or a cake 😉
Meat: Chicken tenderloins, turkey, pepperonis
Once again, after being vegan for so long I don’t always eat meat with my meals. And if I do, nine times out of ten it will be chicken. I don’t eat fish or pork, but we occasionally (once/month) have beef. Kemper uses the turkey and pepperoni for sandwiches and I use the pepperonis for pizzas.
Bread: Wheat loaf, brioche buns
We keep our bread in the refrigerator because it lasts longer and there’s just two of us. We don’t eat a ton of bread, so we have wheat for sandwiches and toasts, and buns for chicken or BBQ sandwiches.
Sauces/Dips/Condiments: Ketchup, BBQ sauce, soy sauce, Sriracha, marinara sauce, salsa, hummus
Again, these are just the staples. Right now we also have ranch, thousand island, mayo, and some cheese dip. But generally, we just keep the things listed. Kemper likes ketchup + BBQ sauce, and I like soy sauce + Sriracha. Marinara and salsa are primarily used to cook with – spaghetti, homemade pizza, Mexican-style rice, Mexican-style shredded chicken, etc.

My Freezer Staples
Fruit/Veggies: Strawberries, mango, blueberries, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower rice
The first four items (yes, including the zucchini) I use for smoothies. The last two are for last-minute cooking add-ins for when I don’t have anything fresh. By keeping extra veggies in the freezer, I ensure we’ll always have something healthy to pull from.
Meat: Chicken, vegan ‘chicken’ patties
When I buy chicken, I typically keep some in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. Since we only go to the store twice a month, I don’t want it to go bad. I also keep a bag of pre-cooked grilled chicken for when I’m feeling lazy. I also love the Boca vegan chicken patties. I know, probably not a popular thing 😉 but they’re easy and yummy!
Treats: Pizza, ice cream
You gotta treat yo self from time to time 😉 Pizza and ice cream are arguably my two favorite foods, so we always have to have them on hand.

P.S. Why are freezers and refrigerators so NOT photogenic?! I didn’t even attempt to make them pretty. This is real life, people! Ha.
Is that all?
Pretty much, yes! With the exception of alcohol and a few random items that make their way in from time to time, that’s pretty much all we keep on hand. We both are generally perfectly happy to eat the same 10-15 meals each month. And if I do try something new, I try to find recipes with things I already keep on hand.
Tell me, is there anything you ALWAYS have to have that I missed? I’d love to know!